Transdoodle BIG White—DOUBLED UP!
There are 8 White Transdoodle Sheets (18"x24") sheets in this tube.
Transdoodle® is non-waxy, non-staining, reusable, chalky-color transfer paper for crisp, clear guidelines that stay well on fabric while you work with them but never set — not even with ironing. Once you have finished using the chalky traced line, if it has not been cut away, stitched over, or fused over it, or if you simply want to change it, you can rub out that chalky guideline with a finger, or rub it out with a piece of dry or damp fabric, or in the wash.
Transdoodle is made to be long lasting — use each sheet over and over and over again and just when you think you've used it up....use it again!
Use Transdoodle to trace a pattern piece on the front of fabric. *Another right-reading method to transfer pattern pieces onto Mistyfused fabric! This is especially handy on a fabric with a busy print.
Use Transdoodle to trace a positioning guideline on your background fabric.
Use Transdoodle to trace stitching guidelines.
HINT: For the best, crisp, traced line—trace a single layer of fabric on a hard surface (Hint: try using the back of your cutting board). Our recommendation for the best stylus to use with Transdoodle is a ball-point pen that has run out of ink.